Jack Bandy, Founder of Coronet Industries, Dies of Coronavirus

Chattanooga, TN, March 30, 2020-Burl Jackson “Jack” Bandy, 93, co-founder of Coronet Industries, died March 29. 

He had tested positive for the coronavirus and had existing heath conditions that contributed to his death.

Bandy founded Coronet with Bud Seretean and Guy Henley in 1956. According to the Dalton Daily Citizen, “Bandy and the others founded Coronet with the idea of having the ‘only all-wool tufting company.’ Electronics giant RCA Corp. eventually bought Coronet, which was later acquired by Beaulieu of America.

“Bandy had taken over his family’s carpet business after his father, B.J. Bandy, died in 1948."

B.J. Bandy, Jack's father, was the first individual to make a million dollars in the tufted bedspread business in the late 30's, and Jack Bandy made wise investments in the carpet business.

In addition, Bandy was an active philanthropist in north Georgia as well as a close friend and advisor to Bob Shaw, founder of Engineered Floors. 

Related Topics:Engineered Floors, LLC, Beaulieu International Group, Shaw Industries Group, Inc.