Houses With Wood Floors Easier To Sell

St. Louis, MO, March 16, 2007--According to a November 2006 survey conducted by the National Wood Flooring Association with real estate agents across the country, 99% agree that homes with hardwood floors are easier to sell, 82% agree that homes with hardwood floors sell faster, and 90% agree that home with hardwood floors sell for more money. How much more? Eighty-eight percent of the agents responding indicated 1% - 10% more, while 12% of agents responding indicated more than 10%. Those figures speak volumes about the value of hardwood floors.


One of the items that can add significant value to a is wood floors. In fact, in real estate agents report that their clients prefer wood floors for a variety of other reasons as well, with more than half responding that wood floors increase a home's resale value, wood floors promote a healthier indoor living environment, wood floors are beautiful, and wood floors are easy to clean and maintain.


There is no doubt that wood floors will add value to a home, whether the plan is to it soon, or live in it for years to come.


To find out more about the benefits of wood floors, visit the NWFA's consumer web site at, and click on the "All About Wood Floors" link. Once you're ready to invest in wood floors, you can find a professional installer in your area by visiting the "Find a Professional or Product" link on the same web site.

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