HMTX Cares Fundraiser Exceeds Goal
Norwalk, CT, March 15, 2023-HMTX Cares, a charity organization created by HMTX Industries that raises money for fighting addiction and co-occurring mental illness, held a fundraiser on March 9 at its headquarters, dubbed the House Up On The Hill, in Norwalk, Connecticut. The goal of the event, which included a silent auction, was to raise $100,000 to exceed a total of $500,000, which HMTX CEO Harlan Stone vowed to match. In total, the evening raised nearly $134,000 for a total of $582,000.
The funds go directly to Faith In Four Foundation, a non-profit 510(c)(3) organization that funds scholarships at several rehabilitation and education facilities.
The event included introductory remarks by Paul Eanes, chair of HMTX Cares and vice president of OEM sales for Metroflor, and CEO Stone, as well as a talk by Dr. Margaret Lowenstein focused on the importance of a medication-first approach to tackling addiction. Following the talk, Eanes introduced the beneficiaries of the program, and client testimonials highlighted the important work of the diverse program recipients.
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