Zoe Heller Named Director of CalRecycle

Sacramento, CA, May 22, 2024-Governor Gavin Newsom hs named Zoe Heller to be director of CalRecycle. The California Carpet Stewardship Program is managed by CalRecycle and CARE interacts with CalRecycle staff on a regular basis.

Heller worked at the EPA from 2006 to 2017 and has held several roles at CalRecycle since 2017. She has been CalRecycle’s circular economy division director since 2023 and has served in several other roles there from 2017 to 2022. She has worked as deputy director of policy development and as deputy director of the materials management and local assistance division. 

“We are delighted that Zoe Heller has been chosen to direct CalRecycle. We feel her vast experience, interest in truly understanding these complex systems, and constructive attitude are a big asset, and we look forward to continuing to work with her and the very talented CalRecycle team,” noted CARE executive director Bob Peoples.