WFCA To Manage FCIF Operations

Anaheim, CA, Dec. 8--The board of directors of the World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) and the Floor Covering Industry Foundation (FCIF) have entered into a agreement whereby the WFCA will manage the day-to-day operations of the FCIF. The FCIF is dedicated to assist floorcovering industry personnel who face catastrophic illness and extreme financial hardship. It is governed by a board of directors representing a broad base of industry leaders covering all aspects of the floorcovering industry. Effective Jan. 1, WFCA takes on responsibilities previously handled by The Messersmith Group (TMG), a Sacramento-based management firm providing services to associations and foundations. The unique aspect of the pact is WFCA will provide management services without fee as an in-kind contribution to the foundation. While WFCA will manage FCIF, each organization will retain its respective boards of directors and independence. Fundraising responsibilities will be assigned to a yet to-be- determined entity. WFCA veteran staff member Judy Marsh will function as executive administrator of FCIF.