Website Depicts Airport Carpet Worldwide

New York, NY, Sept. 15, 2010--Author George Pendle, a frequent traveler, has developed a website that depicts airport carpet he and others have seen on their travels.

His website,, recruits travelers to take photos of carpets and send them in.

"Trapped in an airport? Bored out of your skull? Become an Airport Carpeteer," the website suggests.

"All carpets gratefully received. All photographs fully credited." The site also provides opinions, many of them humorous, about carpets designs and their surroundings.

Pendle said he prefers carpets in airports because they are more welcoming than other surfaces.

In a profile by the Los Angeles Times, Pendle said, "Flooring is considered mundane. We're all too busy looking at the sky and the planes to look at the ground beneath us. So I thought it would be a fun experiment to compare and contrast airport carpets from around the world."