Surfaces Meeting Focuses On Big Box Challenge

Dallas, TX, November 24--As a floor covering retailer, if you’re not focusing on what the big boxes are doing, you’re setting your business up for problems. Surfaces 2005 has gathered some leading industry experts to address this ever-growing challenge. The 2005 Town Hall, "Who’s Moving in Next Door and what Are they doing to Take Your business," will give retailers a look at what the future holds if they don’t take action and learn how to combat these growing rivals. Are the big boxes really that smart in their business approach? Are there weaknesses retailers can target? How big is the threat? How much revenue are the big boxes taking away from floor covering retailers? It’s bigger than you think. Attendees at Surfaces 2005 will have an unprecedented opportunity to hear from industry experts what the real danger is and how to stay ahead of the problem and succeed. A dynamic panel of industry experts will lead this highly charged discussion: Jonathan Trivers, Columnist, Floor Covering Weekly, & Industry Analyst Terry Pomerleau Gray, Senior Vice President, NRF Distributors Doug Chadderdon, President, Flooring Sales Group Moderator: Sandy Montero, Publisher & Editor In Chief, Floor Covering Weekly Many floor covering retailers struggle with big box retailers—and other similar groups—moving in near their stores and undercutting their businesses. The big boxes may charge consumers less for floor covering but offer low-quality installation and less-than-adequate customer service. How fair is this to independent retailers whose businesses thrive on service and installation? How can these retailers fight back? Some retailers have stated, "The big boxes are getting better at what they do; the big concern is that they are getting better at what we do." "Any floor covering retailer losing sales to the big box stores just doesn’t get it," says Jonathan Trivers. Terry Gray adds, "Specialty floor covering retailers must stay in front of their competition—not just other specialty retailers, but all floor covering sources—the big boxes, Internet businesses and others." This hot issue comes up time and again among floor covering professionals and there are many and varied opinions on the subject. Those who attend the Surfaces 2005 Town Hall will understand the issues in detail, learn how to compete and hear conflicting views in what should turn out to be a high-energy, heated debate. The cost to attend Town Hall is just $10 before December 30 and $15 after December 30. Register now—this event will sell out fast. For additional information on Town Hall, please call 800.547.3477 or 972.536.6400 or visit