SBIC Announces Chairmen and Jury Selection for Awa

Washington, D.C., October 20, 2006--The Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) is pleased to announce the selection of chairmen and jurors for its 2006 Awards competition. SBIC, a D.C.„Ÿbased, nonprofit trade association, will recognize professionals who are making exceptional contributions to sustainability across the United States at the Annual Awards Reception which will take place at 4:30 p.m. on December 7, 2006 at the DC Convention Center in conjunction with Ecobuild Federal Conference and Expo. This year the Exemplary Sustainable Building award jury will be chaired by SBIC member Todd Woodward, AIA, LEED AP, and Principal at Susan Maxman & Partners (SMP) Architects. The 2006 Best Sustainable Practice award jury will be chaired by SBIC Board Director, Gregg Borchelt, P.E., Vice President with the Brick Industry Association. Joining Todd Woodward on the Exemplary Sustainable Building jury will be Mary Ann Lazarus, Senior Vice President, HOK; Mark Kelley, Founder, President, and Engineer, Hickory Consortium; and John Boecker, AIA, L. Robert Kimball & Associates. In October of 2003, Mr. Woodward was awarded 2003 AIA Philadelphia Young Architect Award, recognizing his achievement in architectural practice, education, and service to the Philadelphia community. Mr. Woodward serves as Principal-in-Charge of a number of the SMPs projects and is an adjunct member of the architecture faculty at Temple University. In 2005, SMP was recognized with a Third Place Exemplary Sustainable Building Award for their work on the Natural Lands Trust Headquarters Expansion building. Todd looks forward to chairing this year's jury process. "I am excited to be a part of the SBIC Exemplary Sustainable Building Award jury this year. The intent of this awards program is commendable in that it seeks to recognize quality design that is, at its heart, sustainable. The Award is not about simply applying sustainable technologies, but about creating a 'whole building,' which is what we should all be striving for in our work." SBIC Board Director, Gregg Borchelt, P.E., Vice President with the Brick Industry Association will chair the jury for 2006 Best Sustainable Practice award. Mr. Borchelt has been in charge of BIA's Engineering and Research Department since 1988, and is responsible for technical information and publications on the use of brick. The department conducts industry technical training, sponsors research on the use of brick, and represents the brick industry on construction industry committees. BIA is a Founding Member of SBIC and supports the whole building design concept. Gregg encourages building industry professionals to consider entering this competition. "Get some added publicity for the work you and your firm have done to help make buildings more user and earth friendly. Members of SBIC practice what they preach and they should be recognized for doing so." SBIC Executive Director Helen English commented,"We are grateful for the outstanding team that has been assembled. I am confident they will provide a rigorous review and vigorous debate over the submissions, guaranteeing excellence in the final selections." The deadline for submissions is October 27. Full details of the awards criteria, submission guidelines and applications are available online at For more information about SBIC please visit the website at

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