Rugs with Teflon Move into the Kitchen

Atlanta, GA, March 31--Teflon, the brand associated with smart stain protection, is now available in kitchen rugs. The new stain resistant, washable rugs give consumers more stylish décor options for the kitchen. “It’s a natural extension of the Teflon® brand which is already associated with many kitchen products,” says Ana Torrence, vice president, Home/Hospitality Interiors at INVISTA. “More than 97 percent of consumers recognize the Teflon® brand, associating it with innovative products that make their lives easier. Kitchen rugs with the Teflon® brand give retailers a powerful new offering to attract consumers." Torrence points out that Teflon® rug protector prevents common kitchen spills from becoming permanent stains on a rug. Kitchen rugs with Teflon® can be machine-washed, and in just one cycle, most food and beverage stains are removed. Torrence says several mills including Glenoit, Bacova, Maples, Mohawk and Shaw will introduce their new kitchen rugs with Teflon® rug protector during the New York Home Textiles Market in April.

Related Topics:Mohawk Industries, Shaw Industries Group, Inc.