NRI Industries Launches QuietDown Lite

Toronto, Canada, July 6, 2006--NRI Industries has announced the launch of a new acoustical product specifically designed to reduce the transmission of airborne and impact noise through floors. QuietDown Lite, provides cost savings while still minimizing noise intrusions, making a homeowner’s living space peaceful and quiet. QuietDown Lite is an ideal solution for reducing noise transmission through floors. The ‘4 x 3.5’ panels of QuietDown Lite are installed on top of either concrete or plywood sub-floors. The hard surface flooring is then put in place using traditional installation techniques. The result is a finished hard surface floor with greatly reduced impact sound transmission. The 4 x 3.5’ panels of QuietDown Lite will block a wide range of sounds. QuietDown Lite acoustic underlay is manufactured from rubber and in lab tests has proven to achieve ratings from 49IIC to over 60IIC. The new line of panels are lighter and stronger than other acoustic underlays presently found on the market. “QuietDown Lite is appropriate for residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial applications. Our research indicated there is a void in the marketplace for a product that provides proven reduction in sound transmission at a reasonable price point. Best of all, it’s easy to carry, install and trim,” said Andy Pattenden, Business Development Manager with NRI Industries. Customer inquiries can be directed to NRI Industries at (416) 657-1111 or online at: In addition to QuietDown Lite, NRI Industries has also launched QuietDown Tile and QuietDown Wood. NRI Industries was founded in 1927 as the National Rubber Company. NRI currently employs 600 people in Toronto. NRI Industries is North America's largest fully integrated manufacturer of recycled rubber products. The company operates four facilities across the Greater Toronto Area, including a tire recycling plant, two manufacturing plants, and a warehousing facility. NRI is on the cutting edge of manufacturing technologies, with the capability to produce a wide variety of products for the industrial, building and automotive markets.