NMHC Hosts One-Day Student Housing Conference

Washington, DC, July 20, 2006--The National Multi Housing Council will gather the nation’s foremost experts in student housing for a one-day conference in Chicago, IL on September 18. The NMHC Student Housing Conference, which is designed for current and prospective student housing firms, will explore what today’s students are looking for in off-campus apartment housing; rent growth in off-campus apartments over the last two years; the financials of on- and off-campus developments; how off-campus deals are structured and a wide variety of operational issues. The event is open to NMHC members and non-members, although registration will be limited to allow high-level peer exchange. “The 75 million ‘Echo Boomers’ flooding college campuses have generated a lot of interest in student housing among conventional apartment firms,” noted Jim Arbury, NMHC’s senior vice president. “But most have discovered that profiting from this market segment requires a specialized knowledge base. This conference is designed to shorten the learning curve as well as provide active student housing providers with an overview of current market conditions and emerging trends.” Additional information on the conference, including online registration, is on NMHC’s web site at www.nmhc.org/MeetingRegistration/meeting.cfm?MeetingID=91. The deadline for early bird registration is September 6.