NAHB Unveils Resources for Homebuilders Dealing w/ Opioid Crisis
Washington, DC, June 11, 2019-The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) rolled out new resources, “Opioids in the Home Building Industry: Making it Your Business,” to help residential construction companies address the opioid crisis facing the homebuilding industry.
People who work in construction are significantly more likely to become addicted to opioids, like prescription painkillers, than other workers in the general population and are six times more likely to die as a result of overdose. In addition to the health and well-being of the employee, the impact on a business can be significant and includes loss of productivity, healthcare expenses, absenteeism, turnover and much more.
“Opioid addiction is our nation’s leading public health crisis, and it affects people across all socioeconomic classes, races, genders and jobs, and the homebuilding industry is no exception,” said NAHB Chairman Greg Ugalde, a homebuilder and developer from Torrington, Connecticut.
The resources provided by NAHB are the culmination of a year-long effort between NAHB senior leaders, local homebuilder association leaders, members, staff and Advocates for Human Potential Inc., who helped develop the materials. The initiative was funded through a grant from the Job-Site Safety Institute (JSI).
NAHB is taking an innovative approach to address opioid use and misuse, viewing the problem holistically and creating solutions and educational resources that address intervention points across the spectrum of prevention, treatment, recovery and return-to-work.
The materials are available to NAHB members and non-members alike to help increase the reach of these valuable resources. The resources include:
* An executive training package, including a webinar and related downloadable materials, that explains why action is needed in the homebuilding industry
* A supervisor training package on interventions in the workplace that includes a podcast and comprehensive written guidance
* A supervisor training package on preventing opioid misuse in homebuilding
* Resources on pain management alternatives to opioids
* Fact sheets that explain the risks associated with taking opioids, identifying nonmedical opioids like heroin, and identifying medical opioids
* A comprehensive state-by-state guide of resources available locally
NAHB plans to continue this initiative and update and add to these resources as they are finalized. These tools will complement similar efforts by federal, state and local governments and healthcare organizations, which can also be found on the NAHB website.
The resources are available at