Mask Mandate Extended Until April 18 for Public Transit

New York, NY, March 11, 2022-Travelers in the U.S. will have to continue wearing masks on airplanes, buses and other forms of transit through April 18 under a federal mandate that the Biden administration is extending, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Transportation Security Administration said Thursday and the Wall Street Journal reported.

“The TSA’s directive requiring masks on public transit was set to expire after March 18, but it will remain in effect for another month at the CDC’s recommendation-a move industry officials had widely expected.

“During that time, the CDC will work to revise its framework around when masks should be required on forms of transportation, basing its assessment on Covid-19 case levels, new variant risks and other data, the agencies said.

“U.S. travelers and commuters have been required to wear masks covering their mouths and noses on nearly all forms of public transportation and inside transportation hubs for over a year. That mandate has been extended twice before.

“The latest extension comes as Covid-19 case rates have declined and people have been allowed to forgo masks in many other public settings. All 50 states have dropped indoor mask mandates or announced plans to do so, and the CDC has eased its masking guidance for communities.

“Airline officials and employees have had difficulty enforcing the mask requirements. The TSA last year doubled the potential civil penalties for people who refuse to comply with the requirements. Repeat offenders can face fines of up to $3,000.”

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