"Life Proof Bandits" Arrested in Oklahoma
Tulsa, OK, February 16, 2023-Three Oklahoma men have been nicknamed the "Life Proof Bandits," after authorities found thousands of dollars worth of stolen Life Proof flooring in their truck, reports Fox 23 News.
“On Monday at around 5 p.m., police responded to a Home Depot near East 91st Street and South Delaware Avenue in south Tulsa.
“When police searched the truck, they found 50 cases of floor tile they believe was stolen.
“Police said the three suspects had been going from multiple home improvement stores and switching ticket prices, so they paid a significantly lesser amount for flooring than what it is worth.
“The suspects allegedly hit three Home Depots in Tulsa and one in Owasso all within three hours, police said.
“The first store near East 71st Street and Highway 169 in Tulsa was hit around 3 p.m. The suspects allegedly stole nearly $1,300 worth of tile for only $65.
“The second store in downtown Tulsa was hit around 4 p.m. They are accused of purchasing the same amount of tile for $65.
“After those, police said they traveled to the Owasso store where they followed the same pattern.
“When they arrived at the south Tulsa location on Monday evening, police were able to reprimand them.”