International Design Guild Intros Designer Showcas

Manchester, NH, July 19--The International Design Guild, an alliance of luxury floor covering showrooms, strives to recognize the talents and accomplishments of interior designers throughout the United States and Canada. For this reason, the Guild is introducing its first annual Designer Showcase Awards, which invites designers to submit their most exceptional interior designs. Contest applicants have the opportunity to win up to $5,000 in cash awards. A panel of seasoned luxury floor covering Guild showroom owners will judge entries based upon individuality, use of color, and over all design. The Guild will announce the winners by November 20, 2005. Krista Eliason, vice president of the International Design Guild explains, "With over 100 locations, we are involved in an amazing number of stunning projects, most of which are never on television or in a magazine, but are featured in our Design Matters newsletter. The Designer Showcase Awards are our way of recognizing the talented interior designers our showrooms work with every day. It’s an honor to be able to work with so many talented individuals." Interested designers may obtain an Official Entry Form from any International Design Guild Showroom. A complete listing of showrooms can be found on or contact Sonciary at 1-800-205-4345 and for more contest rules and details. The entry form, along with a high-resolution photo and description of the designer’s stunning creation, must be postmarked on or by October 15, 2005.