I4F Forms Partnership with HMTX for SRP Rigid Core Technology
Hannover, Germany, January 10, 2024-I4F, a group of companies providing patents and technologies to the flooring industry, has entered into a strategic patent partnership with HMTX Industries, a global flooring company. As a result of the agreement, I4F has secured exclusive rights to license HMTX’s SRP rigid core TPU flooring technology to third-party decorative panel manufacturers. The rights cover the technology and know-how to enable manufacturers to produce, offer and sell SRP flooring products. I4F’s ultimate goal is to position SRP products as the market standard for decorative floorcovering panels.
SRP Rigid Core TPU flooring is a patent-pending recyclable technology developed as an environmentally conscious solution to alleviate the challenge of single-use plastics developed by HMTX Industries, in partnership with Huntsman.
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