Flooring Sustainability Summit Announces Closing Keynotes

Arlington, VA, July 2, 2024-Three closing keynote speakers have been announced for the 2024 Flooring Sustainability Summit taking place July 17 and 18 in Washington, D.C. Attendees will spend Day 2 of the Summit at the U.S Capitol Visitor Center, where they will be briefed by leading authorities on federal procurement, standardization, and architect and design initiatives. 

Jeff Grove, ASTM International, on Standardization-As vice president of global policy, cooperation and communications, Grove formulates public policy and collaboration strategies engaging the business community, policymakers and trade negotiators. He represents ASTM International in regulatory dialogues, serves on the U.S. Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Standards and Technical Trade Barriers, and chairs the American National Standards Institute’s National Policy Advisory Group. Grove previously directed the House Committee on Science Subcommittee on Technology, where his portfolio included legislation involving technical standards and trade, manufacturing and industrial competitiveness, and oversight of international scientific and technical cooperation agreements.

Sarah Templin, Gensler, on A&D Initiatives-As the sustainable materials specialist for Gensler’s Washington DC office and Manager of the Gensler Product Sustainability Standards, Templin supports initiatives that bolster the firm’s commitment to reducing environmental impact. Templin collaborates with architecture firms, global technology businesses, textile innovators, and product-focused companies across the home goods sector to improve product sustainability for the circular economy. Her research has centered on an examination of sustainable solutions in traditional craft techniques and scaling them for the constraints of contemporary manufacturing.

Elliot Doomes, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), on Federal Procurement-Serving as commissioner of the Public Building Service, Doomes manages the nationwide asset management, design, construction, leasing, building management and disposal of approximately 360 million square feet of government-owned and leased space across the United States. Doomes’ passage of the Federal and District of Columbia Real Property Act of 2006, executed a complicated land exchange between the District of Columbia, GSA, the National Park Service, and the Architect of the Capitol that has enabled hundreds of millions of dollars of economic development within the District of Columbia.

Program details and registration information can be found here. Limited spaces remain available.