CCA Honors Two Property Managers for Energy Saving

Alexandria, VA, September 18, 2006--Commercial Carpets of America (CCA) last month honored two property management companies for their energy saving achievements by presenting them with an award for participation in the Environmental Impact and Reclamation Program. Together, Lincoln Property Company of Dallas, and Akridge Management Company in Illinois managed a savings of 1,231,875,000 BTU’s (British thermal units) accounting for 1 year of energy for approximately 7 US homes. The initiative includes such efforts as thermal recycling and cradle-to-cradle recycling in conjunction with StarNet Commercial Flooring's Cooperative/C.A.R.E (Carpet America Recovery effort) program. Accepting the award for Lincoln Property Company was Karen Coble, senior property manager, who stated, “Without the diligent efforts and constant oversight from [CCA’s] Stuart Stephenson, senior project manager, and Allan Copeland, installation field supervisor, we would not have been able to complete the project on schedule. Having this certificate to present to my clients is just one more reason to choose CCA on future projects,” added Coble. Also receiving an award was The John Akridge Management Company for their Department of Justice Project. The award was accepted by Gail Seekins and Norwood Marshall who lead this important project. As noted by Seekins and Marshall, “We have a commitment to the environment and CCA made this possible through their program.” Project management was through the combined efforts of Sean Flannery, senior project manager, and Scott Averys, project manager. “CCA has provided these reclamation programs for some seven years and its time we acknowledged our clients who make its success possible,” said Ralph Grove, vice president and commercial group manager at CCA.

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