CARE Amends Five-Year Plan to CalRecycle, Following Disapproval
Dalton, GA, January 25, 2023-On January 17, CARE submitted a revised five-year plan to CalRecycle. The revised Plan responds to CalRecycle’s disapproval of the plan as submitted last September.
“It is our hope that CalRecycle moves swiftly to accept the revised Plan so that we can continue the remarkable progress that we have been making,” noted CARE executive director Bob Peoples. “CARE is on track to meet all of the goals set by CalRecycle for 2022 despite enormous challenges, and we need to move swiftly to implement the 2023-27 Plan in order to achieve the goals for this year.”
Peoples added, “In particular, we need to implement the differential assessment increase, originally planned for January, which CalRecycle did not approve. We now are targeting an increase on April 1, 2023, and that decision will depend on CalRecycle’s approval of the revised Plan no later than mid-March. Watch for additional information on the increase shortly."
CalRecycle requests that public comments on CARE's Revised Plan be submitted to CalRecycle by January 27, 2023. CARE is asking all retailers, mills, and recyclers to please take a few minutes to submit comments of strong, unequivocal support for the Plan.
Read the plan here.