California's AB 863 Now in Print

Sacramento, Ca, June 12, 2024-California’s AB-863-which outlines carpet and flooring recycling, producer responsibility organizations, fines, succession, training is in print and is awaiting a third reading. 

Here is a link to the bill as it stands.

Says Russ DeLozier, president of the Carpet and Rug Institute, “This week, the California bill AB 863 (Aguiar-Curry) was published with major modifications that propose eliminating the successful California Carpet Stewardship Program and replacing it with an unproven model for an alternative recycling program covering carpet, carpet cushion, resilient flooring, and synthetic turf.  The Carpet & Rug Institute is opposed to AB 863 and urges all flooring industry participants in California to contact their state representatives to voice their opposition to this destructive legislation.

“The amended bill calls for direct industry funding of all program costs, unrealistic and prescriptive collection requirements, and extensive but undefined performance metrics.  If enacted, AB 863 would upend the current carpet recycling program, introduce enormous complexity and uncertainty in California's flooring industry, and add significant cost to all covered products.”


Related Topics:Lumber Liquidators, Carpet and Rug Institute