British Wool Intros 'Farmer Tom' Spokesman

London, England, February 24--British Wool has introduced a cartoon creation called "Farmer Tom" to highlight the connection between the British sheep farmer and the finished British Wool carpet, according to the Journal. The fresh-faced character, complete with cap and boots, is making a fitting entrance into the carpet retail world this month and it is hoped he will make British Wool more visible to the flooring consumer. Thousands of door stickers featuring Farmer Tom are in the process of distribution. Richard Passmore, marketing manager at the British Wool Marketing Board, said: "British Wool is a soft but particularly resilient wool and is ideal in carpets. "We feel that sometimes the consumer does not understand these inherent qualities. We want retailers to emphasise that this is a home-grown, naturally renewable fibre grown on British sheep bred by British sheep farmers. "The introduction of Farmer Tom is intended to highlight the connection between field and floor; he represents the British sheep farmer and if he's on the door, there are British Wool carpets carrying the British Wool shepherd's crook quality mark in the shop."