Art Gensler Shares Insights on Design & Business at NeoCon

Chicago, IL, June 12, 2018-NeoCon 50 kicked off with a keynote interview with Art Gensler.

Gensler started his renowned architecture and design firm, Gensler, in 1965 with three employees. Today, there are 6,000 employees.

Gensler believes relationships are key to business and shared several of his personal mantras: 

* In design, there is no right or wrong.

* It’s the relationship that gets the job.

* Treat the client like a rubber band-stretch them but don’t break them. That’s how you earn recurring business.

Gensler credits his success to what he characterizes as “unanticipated opportunities,” pointing to chance meetings with Steve Jobs, for example, as moments that helped build his career and his firm.

Gensler also believes that family is highly important and insists on meeting with the families of those with whom he does business.

Pic: Art Gensler and Cheryl Durst, executive president/CEO of IIDA