Mannington Commercial Intros New Modular Backing

Salem, NJ, March 28, 2007--Mannington Commercial has introduced Infinity RE – a unique new backing for modular carpet.  Mannington has taken an innovative approach to sourcing post-consumer recycled content by diverting two of the largest construction waste streams from landfills and incorporating them into new product.  The Infinity RE carpet tile backing utilizes both post-consumer drywall and post-consumer carpet -- something completely innovative and unique to the company and to the flooring industry.


The drywall is reclaimed from regional construction sites and processed so that the gypsum it contains replaces some of the other raw materials in the product. “It’s something we worked hard to make happen, and it’s another way that Mannington demonstrates it’s committed to becoming a net user of waste.” said Dave Kitts, Vice President, Environment, at Mannington.  Net user of waste refers to Mannington’s commitment to bringing in and re-utilizing more waste than it sends to landfill.


The company recycles over one ton of drywall waste per day for use in its flooring products, including the Infinity RE backed carpet.  Since last year, Mannington has utilized this waste stream to add post-consumer recycled content to both its carpet & hard-surface tile lines.


Much of the recycled carpet used in Infinity RE comes as a result of Mannington’s Loop reclamation program, which closes the loop on product life cycle by reusing old carpet to make new carpet tile backing.   This carpet reclamation program demonstrates Mannington’s concern for product life.  Loop is provided at no cost to Mannington’s customers, so it’s a win-win-win situation – the customers win; Mannington wins; and the environment wins,” said Kitts.


Infinity RE is the standard backing on a variety of Mannington modular carpet styles and is available on other styles as a custom option.  Products with the backing contribute to the recycled content and other credits in LEED. 


Mannington has been demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility for many years.  An active member in the USGBC since 1998, the company continually seeks ways to go above and beyond what is required because, Kitts remarks, “Actions Speak.”


For more information visit  To learn more about Infinity RE backing and the Loop program, call 1-800-241-2262.

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