Anderson Hardwood Opens Bob Anderson Design Center

Clinton, SC, December 11, 2006--Four generations of the Anderson Family gathered Friday for a ribbon cutting ceremony unveiling the new Bob Anderson Design Center, named for the late owner of Anderson Hardwood. Anderson's widow, Dolores F. Anderson, honored her late husband's memory by cutting the ribbon at the event. The Bob Anderson Design Center will serve many functions for the Anderson Family of Companies. A service center will house finished goods inventory, a customer service call center and technical support operations. A research and design facility is also onsite and includes a color lab, a materials testing lab, a sample production facility, a product library and a presentation room. The architecture of the facility itself is meant to educate. As you approach the building, the main entrance includes trees used to manufacture Anderson hardwood. In the lobby the ceiling tiles are made of pressed veneer panels and the wood floor is a new fumed birch being tested for introduction into the commercial market. The design center also houses an amphitheater, a company museum and the company's corporate headquarters.

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