Personal Income & Disposable Personal Income Rose by 0.2% in May

Washington, DC, June 29, 2016—Personal income increased $37.1 billion, or 0.2%, and disposable personal income (DPI) increased $33.9 billion, or 0.2%, in May, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. 

Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $53.5 billion, or 0.4%. 

In April, personal income increased $75.4 billion, or 0.5%, DPI increased $68.6 billion, or 0.5%, and PCE increased $141.2 billion, or 1.1%, based on revised estimates.

Real DPI increased 0.1% in May, compared with an increase of 0.2% in April.

Real PCE increased 0.3%, compared with an increase of 0.8%.