Houzz Q1 Renovation Barometer Indicates Increased Confidence

Palo Alto, CA, April 27, 2015—Houzz released its Q1 2015 Renovation Barometer results, which indicates positive sentiment among its architecture, interior design, landscape design and home improvement community.

• Bolstered by last year’s positive momentum and post-winter uptick in demand, the Houzz Renovation Barometer posted high readings across all industry groups (71-78 from 100), reflecting significantly more professionals reporting quarter-over-quarter increases than decreases in Q1 2015 business activities.

• Professional confidence is higher in Q1 2015 than Q4 2014 for all industry groups, with significant gains for landscape/outdoor specialties (26%) and architects, general contractors (GCs), and design-build firms (11-15%). Designers and building/renovation specialties are projecting moderate gains (3-6%).

• Similar to Q4 2014, all industry groups are continuing to report widespread year-over-year improvements in the home renovation market in Q1 2015 (74-79 from 100) with the Northeast being remarkably resilient to record winter conditions.

• Home renovation companies are bullish about the second quarter of 2015, with all industry groups optimistic about quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year market improvements, as reflected in scores of 74-83 and 78-85, respectively.